Return to Intercultural Dyad Assignment
Intercultural Informative
Dyad Evaluation Form
(This is the criteria that will be used to assign
Introduction (gain audience attention and interest, create a context for the speech)
10 points
____ Attention getter to gain audience interest _____ Preview main points
Clarity of Speech Goal & Purpose
15 points
(Speech is clearly informative
in purpose; works to TEACH the audience something specific about the topic;
organized in a logical manner, transitions between speakers and main points)
____ Informative in nature _____ Transitions between main points
____ Clear Structure to Lesson _____ Transitions between speakers
Development of Rich Well-Grounded Content
20 points
(Rich treatment of a narrow
topic, use of examples and personal stories)
_____ Ample examples
_____ Specific examples unique of culture
10 points
(Signal the end of the speech,
serve to focus audience attention on key ideas, impression leaving, clinches
the end of the speech)
_____ Speech was wrapped up; did not end abruptly
_____ Main points of presentation reviewed
Use of Two Visual Aids
10 points
to audience understanding and memory, creatively designed, appropriately handled,
clear to see)
_____ Clearly visible to all class _____ Unique and memorable of culture
20 points
(Voices are easily audible
to all audience members, eye contact is direct, gestures are conversational,
and speakers are energetic and extemporaneous)
Co-Presenting Skills
10 points
(Was there a variety in
the presentation, appropriate use of space, equal distribution of time, transitions
between speakers smooth and purposeful?)
_____ Variety presenting
_____ Equal time between speakers
Appropriate Use of Time (5 - 7minutes)
5 points
Keep doing….
For the next speech, work on….